Download Short Notes for NEET [ NCERT BASED ]

 Download NCERT Short Notes for NEET

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Many students find making notes a troublesome act. With proper study notes, studying and passing exams becomes easier and that too with good marks. More importantly, it makes learning more fun. A good example of an integral study habit that students must have is to make study notes. Studying has shown that writing whether done with pen or typing with a keyboard brings into play different cognitive processes. It allows for increased learning as it develops thinking, reasoning, imagining, and remembering.

Importance of note-taking skills to a student

Students may have different ways of making notes, but it is always encouraged. With this habit, one is able to improve his ability to summarize information and comprehend it. Studies show that students who find their lessons interesting are more likely to make more detailed study notes.

Advantages of notes-taking

Making notes forces you to interpret everything to read into your own words so that you understand things better. There are times when students blankly read the entire page without understanding a single word, but if you are making notes, then your brain will try to squeeze meaning out of every single sentence which is beneficial for students. Study notes keep track of all the information they have learned. It acts as a ready referral to go through during preparing for exam time.

Writing notes while studying not only saves student’s energy and time during the exam, but it is an easier way to recall things in less time. The study notes not only help the students to cram up things, but they can write swiftly in the exam when they come prepared by reading their study notes. Listed below are some of the benefits of study notes.

Improve memory

Writing study notes on paper improves memory, allowing the students to study more when studying and reducing the chances of forgetting.

Study notes increase attention

Practicing proper study note-taking increases attention to detail as well as the focus of the students. Students who have good focus are more likely to do better in exams.

The top reason for note-taking : Promotes learning

Making study notes stimulates that part of the brain that promotes learning. Like every muscle in the body, the brain can be trained to learn easily in order to absorb new and more information quickly. You use more of your brain when you prepare study notes

When you write study notes while listening, you tend to make the notes by summarizing, editing and retaining only the most important information.

Increase attention span

With respect to learning, study notes also promote retention. While learning is an imperative part of tutoring, retention is a necessary end goal. Making study notes promotes positive memory as well as the ability to retain information because the mind becomes an active component in studying. Not only do the students understand things better while writing in their own words and handwriting but they also retain it for a longer time.

Organize study material

Making study notes passively increase the likelihood of the students to become more organized. Being organized allows students to prioritize tasks and to finish work on time.

There are many benefits of study notes, but practicing proper note-taking is a necessary skill which students should adopt in themselves.

Separate key points from supporting material:

When we are in the higher classes, the course material seems to be endless. There seems to be no limit about how much one can learn. When one takes proper notes in the class, he/she will be able to identify the key points and separate the other stuff easily. This helps to save time and makes the learning process quick.

Teachers suggest a lot of books for succeeding during the exams. But is it possible to revise all the books at the last moment of examination? No, it is impossible. Here, effective note-making techniques help a student. You know, some of the successful students summarize the entire books in the short notes form in such an effective way that once we read those notes at the last moment we are able to recall and memorize the whole book. Make divisions in the supporting detail and helps to identify it whenever needed:

Sometimes we need to find examples of some process, or we just need the explanation of something and nothing more. In such situations, notes help a lot. Those who take the notes effectively has a habit to categorize the information properly. One can easily identify and separate examples, diagrams, explanations, and other things. This helps save time and effort. One can easily recall only that part from the notes that he/she needs to.

Note : The best thing about notes taking is that it can be taken anywhere. It can be taken while attending lectures, doing laboratory practical, participating in any tutorial or classroom activity, reading a book, etc. The purpose of note-taking is to make the learning process easier and faster. Notes can be taken anywhere. Suppose, if you somehow do not get the chance to attend the class, you can write down the notes later while taking part in some related classroom activity. This helps to get you the clue about what was being taught.

Makes the revision process quick :

When one makes the notes with all the concentration, he remembers most part of it. It just requires a quick revision to recall all that has been learned. Notes make this process of recall easy. One can easily revise the precise notes in a day or two. This helps one to recall all he/she has read and learned for the entire year. Once they get the hint, the students are quick to recall the entire material. Notes are just those hints. This really quickens the process of revision and recall.

Download NCERT short notes

Best Preparation Tips for NEET
1. First of all, you should make an exam preparation schedule and include time for each subject. You need to consider the CBSE exam dates for making a schedule. You should follow this schedule and regularly revise all the topics. Doing a lot of research is necessary in order to create a standard plan of action. Although it's not always clear when students should start preparing for exams, but, it is better to start preparation as early as possible. There are some basic steps that can help you to prepare for the exams. You should analyze the previous year papers to identify the important topics that were frequently asked. Flow charts are a great way to organize all the topics. Thereafter, make a list of topics in the order of importance. 2. Get acquainted with complete syllabus and exam pattern. By analyzing the complete syllabus thoroughly, you can easily identify the areas where maximum questions will be asked in the exam. You can make a list of such topics, and then separate the easier and tougher ones into sections. Identify the high weightage topics and highlight them. After that, divide time as per the weightage of the chapters. With all this, you will get a fair idea of what needs to be done first. 3. Choose right books - You must use the right textbooks for the preparation of the exams. For CBSE students, NCERT books should be the first preference to start your preparation for board exams. You need to understand that the NCERT books are the source of every question asked in the paper. So, it is suggested to complete these books first, and then move to other reference books.So, try to cover each and every chapter given in the NCERT books. Having too many books is not recommended, having one standard guide is often enough. 4. Make Notes - Making short notes for quick revision can really help in remembering things for a long time. You can write theorems, formulas, etc. on them. Stick these notes wherever you study, it will help in quick revision. You can divide a task into multiple sections and then complete it. In this way, you will not feel any burden.Make notes while studying and write in your own language. Doing so will help in the last minutes of the exams to revise the syllabus. 5. Practice sample papers and question papers.You must solve the previous year question papers in order to know the level of difficulty. This will help you to keep track of your preparation. By which, you can find the weak areas and improve. Solving these papers also brings confidence, and can help in scoring good marks in exams. 6. Answer in a creative way - You must learn the art of writing answers in the exam. Subjects like Hindi and English can help in scoring well, if attempted strategically. Having the right idea of what is asked in the question is important. Try not to spend too much time on a single question. First try to answer the question you know, try to utilize the first 15 minutes of the exam to make a strategy.Mark the questions that you can answer correctly, attempt them first and then go for other questions. 7. Time management - It is very important that you manage time properly during the exam. Doing so will help to avoid wasting any effort. Most of the time, students get carried away and start focusing on the wrong questions. Remember that the exam only has 3 hours. It's important that you start with the questions that you can write easily. By solving the questions from the previous years' papers, you can improve your time management skills. Solving sample papers, textbooks, etc., will also improve your problem-solving skills. 8. Change study plan, if required You can change the study plan depending on how you manage time and speed. It can also be changed once you improve. It all depends on the speed of how you manage to cover the entire syllabus. Try to include short breaks in your study plan, it will keep you refreshed. Fear and anxiety can affect your performance in the exams. Instead of panicking, prepare for the test by focusing on the best possible solutions. 9. Write your exam properly - After preparing for the board exam, it's time to reflect on your hard work and write the best answer possible. Doing so will help you complete the exam on time. Do not write anything irrelevant, try to write what is asked.
How To Crack NEET 2022 ?
NEET is one of the most difficult entrance exams in India for which lakhs of students appear every year. Unfortunately, only a few hundred students are able to crack NEET and secure a seat in their desired medical colleges. Those who fail to crack the exam or do not get their desired score usually choose to reattempt the NEET exam by dropping one year to solely prepare for the competitive exam. We think this says a lot about the type of competition every aspiring medical student has to go through to fulfill his/her dream of becoming a good doctor. Keeping the level of competition in mind, a NEET aspirant should be prepared in advance if he/she truly wants to score well. Whether you’re a class 11th student who’s just starting the NEET journey or a 12th student who’s going to appear for the NEET exam in the coming months, you all seriously need to buckle up.  “An hour of planning can save you hours of doing”. This is why every NEET expert always tells you to plan out your NEET strategy before starting with your preparation.  Did you know? The NEET preparation syllabus has more than 95 chapters and 14,000+ concepts, so your NEET preparation plan has to be better than everyone. This is why we have prepared a 1 year NEET study plan, which will help you in unleashing your true potential to crack the NEET Exam in just the first attempt.

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